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Cabins in Mendoza

Villa Campestre A 70 Km. de Mza. - Av. del Sol s/n - Potrerillos (02624) 481-122
Suiza Ruta Prov. 82 Km. 29 Colonia Suiza Cno. a Cacheuta (0261) 15-4174299
Solitudine Panamericana Km24- Las Compuertas – Luján de Cuyo (0261) 490-1029
Pueblo del Río A 25 Km. de Mza. - Ruta Int. 7 - Potrerillos (0261) 427-3097
Pacari Tampu Las Delicias s/n (0261) 4444693
Mis Jorgelinas M9 - L18 - Valle Del Sol – Potrerillos (0261) 426-3509
Los Arreboles Calle Publica s/n - Las Vegas - Potrerillos (0261) 428-0574
El Plata Camino a Vallecitos s/n - Potrerillos (0261) 481-095
El Encuentro Ruta 40 Norte - Km 17.5 (0261) 4440567
El Bermejo A. Maure 705 - Guaymallén (0261) 445-8179
Del Pastizal Ruta Nacional Nº7 - Km. 1146 0261 155552593
Del Montañez A 40 Km. de Mza. - Cacheuta (02624) 49-0122
Del Condor Villa Las Vegas (0261) 4322702
Coco El Toledano 1195 (0260) 421-338
Casavineros Roque Saenz Peña 5704 - Vistalba (0261) 4982176
Betancourt Ruta Panamericana Km 26 - Blanco Encalada (0261) 4299665
Video of Cabins in Mendoza

Mendoza city was founded on March 2nd in 1561 by the Capitan Don Pedro del Castillo and it is located 750 meters above sea level, at The Andes’ foot.

When the Spaniards arrived at these lands, they found three different indigenous groups living there: Incas, Huarpes and Puelches. Without a doubt, Huarpes were the most important ones and left a mark that last until today; they were a pacific and industrious group that settled down in Valle de Huentola (what today is Mendoza city). This sedentary group of farmers, with skilful hunters, fishers and ceramists, stood out principally because of its basketworks, elaborating tight meshes that allow the liquid transportation in them and which are unique in America.
But definitely the most amazing thing was their exhaustive and ingenious irrigation system. Through this system they were able to turn aside the rivers’ water into different channels of different current to take the water to their corn, beans, pumpkins and quinoas plantations.
In this way, due to the irrigation system, the Cuyum Mapu (Land of Sands), as it was called by the indigenous became the present-day oasis. Mendoza River, coming from the conjunction of rivers, brooks and mountain glaciers, is the one that provides all the water that is consumed in the city and in the fields and vineyards, mainly located at east area of the city.
Interesting Data:
Mendoza province has a surface of 148.827 km2 and a population of over 1.500.000 inhabitants.
“Gran Mendoza” formed by the departments of Capital, Godoy Cruz, Guaymallen, Las Heras and the cities of Luján de Cuyo and Maipú, concentrates 54% of all the province population; only 19% of the people live in rural or mountain areas.
The climate on the plain is mainly warm continental semi-dry, with heavier rains in summer than in winter, period in which they are really scarce.
Above 2000 m. high the temperatures decrease, the difference between day and night increase. In summer it is possible that it rain although not so much as it does in winter, when the rains are abundant and in the form of snow coming from the systems of wet and cold air from the Pacific.
Cabañas en Mendoza. Información detallada, imágenes, precios y descuentos de Cabañas en Mendoza. Excelentes ofertas de Cabañas en Mendoza. Detalles e información de alojamientos en la ciudad de Mendoza. Cabañas , Aparts y spa para disfrutar de las vacaciones junto a toda la familia. Consulta los precios de cabañas en Mendoza. Tenemos el listado más amplio de Cabañas y Aparts baratos en Mendoza y alojamientos de primera categoría. Además, información de excursiones, paseos y rutas gastronómicas.

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