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Cabins in Salta

Arnaga Residencia de Campo Maria Julia Sola 309 (0387) 492 1478
Cabañas Alto Valle Camino a la isla km. 15 (0387) 4269121
Complejo de Cabañas del Sol Ruta a Castellanos Km. 11.5 - San Lorenzo (0387) 492-2072
Eaton Place Av. San Martín 2457 (0387) 492 1347
Finca Lesser Francisco Arias 2215 (0387) 155005318
Inti Huasi Abrahan Cornejo 120 (0387) 4310167
Jazmines Amarillos José Hernandez 146 - San Lorenzo (0387) 49-21489
La casa de la Abuela Mendoza1569 (0387) 4221705
La Falda Casa de Campo Ruta 68 - km.166 (0387) 4902669
Mojotoro Av. San Martin 720 - Vaqueros (0387) 490-1289
Paila Hostel Córdoba 419 (0387) 4212518
Video of Cabins in Salta

Salta is a province that has a wide range of attractions to offer to the tourists that arrive there. The huge extension of its territory makes possible that the most diverse climates and landscapes can live together in Salta, from the almost permanent spring of the city and its surroundings to the intense cold of La Puna and the tropical hot weather of Chaco Salteño. The most attractive zone of Salta is precisely the one that has the best climate; during the whole year you can enjoy temperatures near 20 degrees, making the summer and the winter to be two intermediate seasons. 

The landscapes are infinite, from the aridity of Puna’s ground to the bushy vegetation of the jungle at the north of the province where you can find 50 species of trees per hectare and hundreds of bird varieties, passing by the red tones of the hills in Valles Calchaquíes.
Salta is a beautiful place not only because of the nature (Salta in quechua, language of the first inhabitants of this land, means the very beautiful), but also because of the man work, creator of a reach tradition and culture that is expressed in the colonial architecture which is still conserved, in houses and temples, in the capital city and all the province; and also in the most ancient pre-Hispanic customs, like the cult to ‘la pachamama’, the painted caves of Guachipas and tens of saints’ celebrations of each town in Salta’s interior.
Cabañas en Salta. Información detallada, imágenes, precios y descuentos de Cabañas en Salta. Excelentes ofertas de Cabañas en Salta. Detalles e información de alojamientos en la ciudad de Salta. Cabañas , Aparts y spa para disfrutar de las vacaciones junto a toda la familia. Consulta los precios de cabañas en Salta. Tenemos el listado más amplio de Cabañas y Aparts baratos en Salta y alojamientos de primera categoría. Además, información de excursiones, paseos y rutas gastronómicas.

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