Guia de Cabañas cabins in esteros del iberá

Cabins in Esteros del Iberá


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Ranch in Esteros del Iberá

San Alonso Mercedes (011) 50326326
Rincón del Socorro Mercedes (011) 50326326
Estancia La Vasquita Prolongación Calle 10, camino a San Jacinto

Posadas in Esteros del Iberá

Posada Iberá Porá Colonia Pellegrini 03777-421098
Posada de La Laguna Reserva Natural Esteros del Iberá 03773-499413
Posada Aguapé Esteros del Iberá (011) 4742-3015

Hostels in Esteros del Iberá

Hostería Ñandé Retá Esteros del Iberá 3773-499411
Hostería Guaraní Colonia Carlos Pellegrini (03773) 15400028
HOSTAL DEL SOL Av. 2 esquina 3 (02324) 433400
Delicias del Iberá Mercedes 03773-423167

Casa de campo in Esteros del Iberá

Spa Los Cuatro Amaneceres Tomas Jofre (Ruta 42, Km 8) s/n (02324) 43-4040
Video of Cabins in Esteros del Iberá

With an extension of 1.400.000 hectares, the Esteros del Iberá (Ibera’s Estuaries), is the second biggest marsh in South America. Ancient river beds of Paraná River formed, in the course of time, this independent and complex net of marshes composed by estuaries, lagoons, reservoirs and pluvial courses.  

The estuaries of this system are a deposit of stagnant water with a depth that varies between one and three meters covered by two types of aquatic plants: the ones that come from the bottom, forming places abounding in tall grass on the coast sides, or the floating formations that cover the water surface like pickerelweeds and embalsados. These ones sometimes have an important thickness.
The Esteros del Iberá (Ibera’s Estuaries) keep their level stable because of their capacity to retain rain water, due to the big quantity of vegetation of the place. According to the measurements, the rains, which annually fluctuate between 1200 and 1500 mm, give back to the system a quantity of liquid that is equivalent to the one that evaporates. A little less than a fourth part of the water received is derived to Paraná River, through Corrientes River, the only surface drainage of the system.
Corrientes’s Province government created the Iberá’s Natural Reserve on April 15th in 1983 by the law 3771. Up to this moment many villagers had lived directly or indirectly on the hunting of animals like alligator, deer, wolf or carpincho. The decision to preserve the area made the ancient hunters –called mariscadores- to be incorporated as park keepers, activity that was favored by the tourist potential of the zone.
Cabañas en Esteros del Iberá. Información detallada, imágenes, precios y descuentos de Cabañas en Esteros del Iberá. Excelentes ofertas de Cabañas en Esteros del Iberá. Detalles e información de alojamientos en la ciudad de Esteros del Iberá. Cabañas , Aparts y spa para disfrutar de las vacaciones junto a toda la familia. Consulta los precios de cabañas en Esteros del Iberá. Tenemos el listado más amplio de Cabañas y Aparts baratos en Esteros del Iberá y alojamientos de primera categoría. Además, información de excursiones, paseos y rutas gastronómicas.

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