Guia de Cabañas cabins in punta arenas

Cabins in Punta Arenas


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Hostels in Punta Arenas

Del Estrecho 1048 José Menéndez (61) 241011
Hostal Ayelen Lautaro Navarro #763 (61) 242413
Hostal Bustamante Jorge Montt # 847 (61) 222774
Hostal Calafate Magallanes 922 (61) 241281
Hostal Del Rey Fagnano #589 Depto. B (61) 223924
Hostal Dinka s House Caupolican Nº169 (61) 244292
Hostal Doña Calletana Lautaro Navarro N° 296 (61) 224512
Hostal José Menéndez José Menéndez N° 882 (61) 245083
Hostal Patagónico Natalio Bersovic #01242 (61) 218322
Independencia Lodging 374 Independencia St. (61) 227572
Karol Hostal Gral del Canto 75 (61) 226082
Las Torres Sarmiento 846 (61) 360360
Oro Fueguino Fagnano 356 (61) 249401 / 6677
Patagónico Natalio Bersovic #01242 (61) 218322
Sonia Kuscevic Pasaje Darwin 175 (61) 248543
The Pink House Caupolicán 99 (61) 222436

Lodges in Punta Arenas

Cameron Lodge Eugenio Gligo #06 (61) 617107
Cabins in Punta Arenas
Video de Cabañas

Punta Arenas has 116005 inhabitants and is the capital of the XII Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antartic. Its economy is based on the services it offers mainly   because of its coal and hidrocarbure mine, the sheep cattle and the  fishing industry. It is also an important harbour for big ships and boats.

The city has kept the style from the first villagers with ancient houses, the square, the cemetery and the main commercial street.
There are recent works which keep this tradition such as Sara Braun mansion and the Cabo de Hornos Grand Hotel, public buildings and offices from big companies , parks, museums, the harbour and the airport.

The city was founded in 1848, due to the population coming from Fuerte Bulnes to this place called Sandy Point (Punto Arenosa) in the first sailing letters carried by the English expeditions. Fuerte Bulnes was not the appropiatte place to settle down  so José Santos Mardones, governor and the major,chose this place because it had firewood. water, a harbour, a bigger surface and better climate to face up with the southern weather.

Cabañas en Punta Arenas. Información detallada, imágenes, precios y descuentos de Cabañas en Punta Arenas. Excelentes ofertas de Cabañas en Punta Arenas. Detalles e información de alojamientos en la ciudad de Punta Arenas. Cabañas , Aparts y spa para disfrutar de las vacaciones junto a toda la familia. Consulta los precios de cabañas en Punta Arenas. Tenemos el listado más amplio de Cabañas y Aparts baratos en Punta Arenas y alojamientos de primera categoría. Además, información de excursiones, paseos y rutas gastronómicas.

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